Caring for HIV-AIDS Vitims

Eswari (name changed) is a 36-year-old mother of two children. All three are HIV positive. Her husband infected her 10 years ago, leading to an abusive, marital separation. Six months later, the husband died of AIDS, leaving Eswari and her children helpless and penniless.  Today, Eswari receives HIV antiretroviral drugs from a government hospital. The nutritional supplements she needs are supplied by Grace Ministries (GM), to enhance her health and extend her life span as much as possible. The supplements enable her to find strength to tailor clothes for a small income.  She now attends a local church and is more hopeful and productive.

For the last seven years GM has been providing daily nutrition to HIV infected and affected families, bringing hope and a measure of health. Currently, there are 20 such families, 18 of whom are women with children. Some have died of AIDS during this time and have been replaced by others who need similar help. Bereft of hope in a society that stigmatizes them, these victims have found the love and acceptance of the Heavenly Father.

Since April 2009, GM has been helping HIV positive people and helping them receive medical assistance. Most are from poor families and their numbers are growing. They periodically travel to distant government medical centers to meet doctors. While drugs are free, some donation is expected, which is beyond their means. GM has been helping, but more needs to be done.

Your contribution towards the Positive Program will greatly alleviate human suffering and tragedy.


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